Low Level Interface

The low level interface of MPIFiles.jl consists of a collection of methods that need to be implemented for each file format. It consists of the following methods

# general
version, uuid

# study parameters
studyName, studyNumber, studyUuid, studyDescription

# experiment parameters
experimentName, experimentNumber, experimentUuid, experimentDescription,
experimentSubject, experimentIsSimulation, experimentIsCalibration,
experimentHasMeasurement, experimentHasReconstruction

# tracer parameters
tracerName, tracerBatch, tracerVolume, tracerConcentration, tracerSolute,
tracerInjectionTime, tracerVendor

# scanner parameters
scannerFacility, scannerOperator, scannerManufacturer, scannerName, scannerTopology

# acquisition parameters
acqStartTime, acqNumFrames, acqNumAverages, acqGradient, acqOffsetField,

# drive-field parameters
dfNumChannels, dfStrength, dfPhase, dfBaseFrequency, dfCustomWaveform, dfDivider,
dfWaveform, dfCycle

# receiver parameters
rxNumChannels, rxBandwidth, rxNumSamplingPoints, rxTransferFunction, rxUnit,
rxDataConversionFactor, rxInductionFactor

# measurements
measData, measDataTDPeriods, measIsFourierTransformed, measIsTFCorrected,
measIsBGCorrected, measIsFastFrameAxis, measIsFramePermutation, measIsFrequencySelection,
measIsBGFrame, measIsSpectralLeakageCorrected, measFramePermutation

# calibrations
calibSNR, calibFov, calibFovCenter, calibSize, calibOrder, calibPositions,
calibOffsetFields, calibDeltaSampleSize, calibMethod, calibIsMeanderingGrid

# reconstruction results
recoData, recoFov, recoFovCenter, recoSize, recoOrder, recoPositions

# additional functions that should be implemented by an MPIFile
filepath, systemMatrixWithBG, systemMatrix, selectedChannels

The interface is structured in a similar way as the parameters within the MDF. Basically, there is a direct mapping between the MDF parameters and the MPIFiles interface. For instance the parameter acqNumAvarages maps to the MDF parameter /acquisition/numAverages. Also the dimensionality of the parameters described in the MDF is preserved. Thus, the MDF specification can be used as a documentation of the low level interface of MPIFiles.

In-memory MDF

Since during data acquisition it is not advisable to write the data directly to an MDF file, there is also an in-memory representation. It can be created either empty by mdf = MDFv2InMemory() or with default values set by mdf = defaultMDFv2InMemory(). The same interface as described above applies to the in-memory version. When writing it to disk using saveasMDF("your/file/path/file.mdf", mdf) it is checked for consistency. If this check should fail with an error, use saveasMDF("your/file/path/file.mdf", mdf, failOnInconsistent=true). The default is to not fail in order to not lose measurement data in case of an error.


Note that the dimensions in the MDF documentation are flipped compared to the dimensions in Julia. This is because Julia stores the data in column major order, while HDF5 considers row major order