
With the support for reading different file formats and the ability to store data in the MDF, it is also possible to convert files into MDF. This can be done by calling

saveasMDF(filenameOut, filenameIn)

The second argument can alternatively also be an MPIFile handle.

Alternatively, there is also a more low level interface which gives the user the control to change parameters before storing. This look like this

params = loadDataset(f)
# do something with params
saveasMDF(filenameOut, params)

Here, f is an MPIFile handle and the command loadDataset loads the entire dataset including all parameters into a Julia Dict, which can be modified by the user. After modification one can store the data by passing the Dict as the second argument to the saveasMDF function.


The parameters in the Dict returned by loadDataset have the same keys as the corresponding accessor functions listed in the Low Level Interface.