

Several MPI measurement sequences have been used for data acquisition. The sequence parameters are listed below.

1D Sequence

Drive-Field Amplitude12 mT x 0 mT x 0 mT
Drive-Field Frequency2.5 MHz/102 x 2.5 Mhz/96 x 2.5 Mhz/99
Selection-Field Gradient-1.0 T/m x -1.0 T/m x 2.0 T/m
Repetition Time40.8 $\mu$s
Number of Patches19 x 19
Number of Periods per Patches1000
Number of Frames1

During the measurement of the 1D sequence the phantom was moved step-wise in the y-dimension and z-dimension with the robot. The movement was performed first in the z-dimension and then in the y-dimension. Each patch represents one robot position, in total 19x19=361 1D patches/positions.

2D Lissajous Sequence

Drive-Field Amplitude12 mT x 12 mT x 0 mT
Drive-Field Frequency2.5 MHz/102 x 2.5 Mhz/96 x 2.5 Mhz/99
Selection-Field Gradient-1.0 T/m x -1.0 T/m x 2.0 T/m
Repetition Time652.8 $\mu$s
Number of Patches19
Number of Periods per Patches1000
Number of Frames1

During the measurement of the 2D sequence the phantom was moved step-wise in z-dimension with the robot. Each patch represents one robot position, in total 19 2D patches/positions.

3D Lissajous Sequence

Drive-Field Amplitude12 mT x 12 mT x 12 mT
Drive-Field Frequency2.5 MHz/102 x 2.5 Mhz/96 x 2.5 Mhz/99
Selection-Field Gradient-1.0 T/m x -1.0 T/m x 2.0 T/m
Repetition Time21.54 ms
Number of Frames1000