
The purpose of a Protocol is to describe and implement a complex measurement procedure that may involve several Devices and Sequences, for example a robot-based system matrix calibration.

To achieve this, a Protocol acts as a running process, that controls all Devices of a scanner to perform its respective measurement. During its runtime a Protocol can spawn and join further processes, as well as react to user interaction and queries via a communication channel. This channel allows the same Protocol to be reused in scripts, console modes or GUIs.

Tasks and Channels

Before devling into Protocols, let's review some necessary basics of asynchronous programming and multi-threading in Julia.

Julia provides Tasks (also called coroutines, lightweight or green threads). These are expressions or functions grouped as computation, that is executed as a "thread" which can be interrupted and switched out for a different Task. If Julia is started with multiple threads, for example with 5:

$ julia -t 5

then Tasks can run in parallel and on different threads. Depending on the Julia version and the way the Task was created, they can even migrate between threads.

The following example is a Task that prints the current id of the thread it is run on:

julia> t = Task(() -> println(Threads.threadid()))
Task (runnable) @0x00007f5a378b2f80

julia> schedule(t)

After a Task is created, it needs to be scheduled before it is run. As a convience, the @async macro creates and immidiately schedules a Task:

julia> @async println(Threads.threadid())Task (runnable) @0x00007f7d81226a40
julia> 11

Using the Julia package ThreadPools it is also possible to schedule a Task on a specific thread:

julia> @tspawnat 2 println(Threads.threadid())

Once a Task is running, it is possible to wait for it to end in a blocking manner:

julia> t = @async sleep(3); println(Threads.threadid())
julia> wait(t)

or a busy-waiting manner:

julia> t = @async sleep(3); println(Threads.threadid())
julia> while !istaskdone(t)

If a Task threw an error during its runtime, a Task waiting on it will propagate the error. To check if a Task failed without waiting on it, one can use Base.istaskfailed and current_exceptions.

Another important concept for Protocols are Channel. These are waitable first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues which can be used to pass data between Tasks:

julia> ch = Channel{Int64}(4) # Buffer up to 4 valuesChannel{Int64}(4) (empty)
julia> put!(ch, 42) # Blocks if full42
julia> isopen(ch) # True as long as the channel is opentrue
julia> isready(ch) # True if channel contains valuestrue
julia> close(ch)
julia> isopen(ch)false
julia> isready(ch)true
julia> temp = take!(ch) # Blocks if empty42
julia> isready(ch)false
julia> temp == 42true

Multiple Tasks can read and write to a Channel, however this always goes into the same "direction". MPIMeasurements.jl provides a BidirectionalChannel, which encapsulates two Channels, allowing a Protocol to both receive and send data:

julia> ch = BidirectionalChannel{Int64}(4)
BidirectionalChannel{Int64}(Channel{Int64}(4), Channel{Int64}(4))

julia> ch2 = BidirectionalChannel(ch)
BidirectionalChannel{Int64}(Channel{Int64}(4), Channel{Int64}(4))

julia> put!(ch, 1)

julia> take!(ch2)

julia> put!(ch2, 2)

julia> take!(ch)

Tasks and BidirectionalChannel are the main building blocks of Protocols.

Protocol Structure

Protocols have a similar structure to Devices. Each Protocol has a parameter type that inherits from:

abstract type ProtocolParams end

and must be named like the Protocol itself together with an Params suffix.

Similarily, each Protocol has a number of mandatory fields, that can be added with the provided macro add_protocol_fields. These fields contain the Scanner used by the Protocol, the name and description of the Protocol, its ProtocolParams and lastly its communication channel and its active main Task or process.

Lastly, a Protocol can have any number of internal fields, these must be provided with a default value.

Protocol Lifecycle

Similar to a Sequence, a Protocol is constructed from a Scanners configuration directory:

julia> protocol = Protocol(scanner, "MPIMeasurementProtocol")

This only constructs the Protocol and assigns it the value stored in its configuration file. One could now programmatically change the parameters of the Protocol.


The next step is to initialize a Protocol execution:

julia> init(protocol)

In this step MPIMeasurements.jl checks if the Protocol was constructed by a Scanner that contains all the necessary Devices required by the Protocol. Furthermore, it calls the _init function of the Protocol. In this function a Protocol implementation should check if all its arguments are sensible and prepare any internal fields it requires for an execution. This step should not start any Tasks.


After its execution has been initialized, a Protocol can be started with:

julia> ch = execute(protocol)

This function checks if the Protocol is currently running and if not it starts a new execution. This involves creating a communication channel, which is returned at the end of the function and starting the Protocols Execution Task on a provided thread id (default 1). Once the execution Task is finished, the communication channel is closed.


If a Protocol produces temporary files, it can implement the cleanup function. After successfull Protocol execution, a calling Julia component can then invoke cleanup and remove any temporary files.

Protocol Communication

During its execution a Protocol can communicate through its communication channel. From a caller perspective, this can be used to query the Protocol for its current progress, for its status or measurement data. It can also be used to ask the Protocol to pause and resume or to cancel. The Protocol itself can ask for things like a user confirmation or a user choice.

This communication however, is something that has to be deliberately implemented in a Protocol, though MPIMeasurements.jl provides several helper function for this cause.

A Protocol communicates via ProtocolEvents. This is an abstract type hierarchy derived from:

abstract type ProtocolEvent end

MPIMeasurements.jl already provides a number of Event types. Most are designed as query/answer pairs. The follow examples hightlight a few pairs.

Event Examples

When a Protocol is running, it is helpful to know how far it progressed, especially for longer running Protocol. For this, the ProgressEvents exist. With these a caller can query the Protocol how far it is done and can receives an Event containing an X/Y reply.

struct ProgressQueryEvent <: ProtocolEvent end
struct ProgressEvent <: ProtocolEvent

If a Protocol requires input from the user, it has multiple options. If the input is a yes/no question one can use the following:

struct DecisionEvent <: ProtocolEvent
struct AnswerEvent <: ProtocolEvent

This requires a caller that is able to reply to Protocol queries. Protocols that potentially ask for user input possess the Interactive trait.

A last important Event example concerns the end of a Protocol. It is recommended that a Protocols Task does not simply end, instead it should notify the caller that it finished. This allows the caller to query for relevant measurement data or request the Protocol to save the data to a file. This process is covered by the following Events:

struct FinishedNotificationEvent <: ProtocolEvent end
struct FinishedAckEvent <: ProtocolEvent end

Only after receiving an acknowledgement should the protocol finish.

Event Handling

A common way for Protocols to interact with events is the following pattern:

function measurementStep(protocol::ExampleProtocol)
  step = @tspawnat protocol.scanner.runtime.producerThreadID doStep(protocol)
  while !istaskdone(step)

Here, the Protocol does not block its own execution task with a measurement step, instead it spawns a dedicated Task on a different thread. This leaves the Protocol free to react to Events. It invokes the provided function handleEvents:

function handleEvents(protocol::Protocol)
  while isready(protocol.biChannel)
    event = take!(protocol.biChannel)
    handleEvent(protocol, event)

With this function, a Protocol only has to write a function like the following to react to an Event:

function handleEvent(protocol::MPIMeasurementProtocol, event::ProgressQueryEvent)
  framesTotal = protocol..numFrames
  framesDone = min(protocol..nextFrame - 1, framesTotal)
  reply = ProgressEvent(framesDone, framesTotal, "Frames", event)
  put!(protocol.biChannel, reply)

Implementing New Protocols

The following example implements a Protocol, that uses moves a Robot to several defined positions and measures the temperature using a TemperatureSensor like the one implemented in the Device example.

MPIMeasurements.jl already provides a family of robot-based Protocols, which can be found here. In particular, this already provides an implementation of the _execute function, which is further annotated with comments for this example:

function _execute(protocol::RobotBasedProtocol)
  @info "Start $(typeof(protocol))"
  scanner_ = scanner(protocol)
  robot = getRobot(scanner_)
  if !isReferenced(robot)
    # Any exception thrown in _execute, produces an ExceptionEvent
    throw(IllegalStateException("Robot not referenced! Cannot proceed!"))

  initMeasData(protocol) # This is method needs to be implemented

  finished = false
  notifiedStop = false
  while !finished
    finished = performMovements(protocol)

    # This code block handels pausing and resuming the measurement 
    notifiedStop = false
    # protocol.stopped is set when a StopEvent is received
    while protocol.stopped
      handleEvents(protocol) # Here we react to Events again
      protocol.cancelled && throw(CancelException())
      if !notifiedStop
        # Notify once that we paused
        put!(protocol.biChannel, OperationSuccessfulEvent(StopEvent()))
        notifiedStop = true
      if !protocol.stopped
        # Notify that we resumed
        put!(protocol.biChannel, OperationSuccessfulEvent(ResumeEvent()))

  # Notify the caller that the protocol finished
  put!(protocol.biChannel, FinishedNotificationEvent())
  # Await acknowledgement
  while !protocol.finishAcknowledged
    protocol.cancelled && throw(CancelException())
  @info "Protocol finished."

The function uses several internal fields, such as stopped, cancelled and finishedAcknowledged which are mandatory for robot-based Protocols, additionally to the ones mandatory for any Protocol.

The robot-based Protocols are implement as a multi-threaded process with three distinct steps per robot movement. A Protocol can performan an action before, during and after a movement:

function performMovement(protocol::RobotBasedProtocol, robot::Robot, pos::ScannerCoords)
  @info "Pre movement"
  preMovement(protocol) # Needs to be implemented

    @sync begin 
      @info "During movement"
      moveRobot = @tspawnat protocol.scanner.runtime.serialThreadID moveAbs(robot, pos)
      duringMovement(protocol, moveRobot) # Needs to be implemented
  catch ex 
    if ex isa CompositeException
      @error "CompositeException while preparing measurement:"
      for e in ex
        @error e
  @info "Post movement"
  postMovement(protocol) # Needs to be implemented

The performMovement function has as an argument the next position to drive to. This argument is provided by the nextPosition function, which our Protocol also needs to implement.

With this overview of what needs to be implemented one can start writing the Protocol. We define the following parameters type:

Base.@kwdef mutable struct RobotBasedTempMeasProtocolParams <: RobotBasedProtocolParams
RobotBasedTempMeasProtocolParams(dict::Dict, scanner::MPIScanner) = RobotBasedTempMeasProtocolParams(positions = Positions(dict["Positions"]))

Note that while we directly set the keyword argument here, it is also possible to use params_from_dict like we did in for the Device example. Next we define the Protocol itself:

Base.@kwdef mutable struct RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol <: RobotBasedProtocol
  # Protocol mandatory fields
  @add_protocol_fields RobotBasedTempMeasProtocolParams
  # Measurement data
  data::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}} = nothing
  # Position data
  positions::Union{Nothing, GridPositions} = nothing
  currPos::Int64 = 0
  # Robot based protocol mandatory fields
  stopped::Bool = false
  cancelled::Bool = false
  finishAcknowledged::Bool = false

The struct definition contains the mentioned additonal mandatory fields, as well as fields to track the current position and lastly the measurement data itself.

The next functions finish all necessary implementations up to the execute phase of a Protocol.

requiredDevices(RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol) = [Robot, TemperatureSensor]
function _init(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol)
  protocol.positions = copy(protocol.params.positions)
  sensor = getDevice(protocol.scanner, TemperatureSensor) = zeros(Float64, numChannels(sensor), length(protocol.positions))
function enterExecute(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol)
  protocol.stopped = false
  protocol.cancelled = false
  protocol.finishAcknowledged = false
  protocol.currPos = 1

Next up is the initMeasData function. As robot-based Protocol can be very time-intensive, they often times features persistent storage of measurement data to allow a user to resume a measurement should an error occur. This case could be handled here, as during the execution phase a Protocol can query the user. In our case the function is just empty, which is already the default provided implementation. Likewise, our Protocol does not need to do anything before a robot movement.

To be able to move the robot, our Protocol needs to supply positions with the following function:

function nextPosition(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol)
  if protocol.currPos <= length(protocol.positions)
    return ScannerCoords(uconvert.(, protocol.positions[protocol.currPos]))
  return nothing

Then during a robot movement we can react to user Events, such as ProgressQueryEvents:

function duringMovement(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol, moving::Task)
  while !istaskdone(moving)
function handleEvent(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol, event::ProgressQueryEvent)
  reply = ProgressEvent(protocol.currPos, length(protocol.positions), "Position", event)
  put!(protocol.biChannel, reply)

After a robot movement a measurement can be performed:

function postMovement(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol)
  # Perform measurement
  sensor = getDevice(protocol.scanner, TemperatureSensor)
  producer = @tspawnat protocol.scanner.runtime.producerThreadID begin
    data = getTemperatures(sensor)[:, protocol.currPos] = data

  # Wait
  while !istaskdone(producer)

  protocol.currPos += 1

Lastly a user should be able to retrieve or store the measurement data. Proper MPI measurements can be stored in MDF, however in our case we can also simply reply to DataQuery- and simple FileStorageRequestEvents:

function handleEvent(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol, event::FileStorageRequestEvent)
  filename = event.filename
  open(filename, "w") do file
    writedlm(file, # from DelimitedFiles.jl, writes a CSV
  put!(protocol.biChannel, StorageSuccessEvent(filename))

function handleEvent(protocol::RobotBasedTempMeasProtocol, event::DataQueryEvent)
  msg = event.message
  reply = nothing
  if msg = "DATA"
    reply =
   # ...
  put!(protocol.biChannel, DataAnswerEvent(reply, event))